Public should be part of decisions
This year school-selection fees in some key Beijing primary schools were reported to be ashigh as 250,000 yuan ($39,125). The common interests of the local education department,schools and agencies have turned the school-selection fees into a chronic disease, althoughthe Compulsory Education Law implemented in 2006 states: "School-age children andadolescents shall be exempted from entrance examinations (and) local people's governmentsat various levels shall ensure that school-age children and adolescents enroll in schools nearthe places their residences are registered."
In other words, the law says that the government should promote balanced development incompulsory education. But despite the government's crackdown on the illegal practice ofcharging school-selection fees, the trend has grown.
The situation has deteriorated because the government's move is considered a mere sloganrather than a concerted effort carried out at local levels to promote balanced compulsoryeducation. Generally speaking, three factors have thwarted the balanced development ofcompulsory education.
First, unreasonable and insecure funding for compulsory education have prompted schools tocharge such fees and even increase them with the passage of time. Also, the insecure financialstate of schools is an important reason for the severe imbalance between schools in rural andurban areas and different regions of the country. The mechanism has not changed much evenafter government efforts to promote balanced compulsory education.
Second, the severe lack of funds for compulsory education has worsened the situation. TheNational Audit Office covered 54 counties for a survey on funds for rural compulsory educationfrom January 2006 to June 2007. The results showed that eight of the counties failed to allotfunds as regulated and five reduced the amounts instead of increasing them.
And third, local governments have paid special attention to senior middle schools and highschools because their quality of education determines the percentage of students from schoolsin their jurisdictions clearing the national college entrance exam and getting admitted toprestigious universities. No wonder, even though the Compulsory Education Law saysproportionate funds should be allotted to all sections of schools during the nine-yearcompulsory education, few local governments actually do so.
Unbalanced development of compulsory education may "favor" many local governments,because it could help generate extra revenue from school-selection fees and reduce theirfinancial inputs into education. The education departments could even save some funds byexchanging resources with other government departments.
The school-selection fees, which for all intents and purposes are illegal, should be bannedimmediately to ensure that compulsory education develops in a balanced and proper way. Thefund security mechanism for compulsory education should be changed and efforts made atboth national and local levels to increase the allocations. Besides, an education managementsystem must be established to guarantee the public's right to participate in decision-makingand supervision.
At present, the government alone decides how much funding should be allocated to theeducation sector and/or how it should be used. And many times, the funds are allottedhaphazardly. Therefore, to solve this problem, the public should have the right to know,participate, express its opinion, make decisions and supervise the authorities. And only bysystematically carrying out these measures for reform and development can we get out of thepredicament and ensure balanced development of compulsory education.
The author is deputy director of Beijing-based 21st Century Education Research Institute.
Li Jianzhong
Motto should be education, not profit
School-selection fees have soared along with commodity prices. In Beijing, for example, thefees have risen from about 7,000 yuan ($1,095) in the 1990s to more than 30,000 yuan. Somemedia reports even said that the school-selection fees, in some "premier" schools were as highas 250,000 yuan this year.
Last year, the Ministry of Education vowed to eradicate school-selection fees in three to fiveyears. Earlier this year, the Beijing municipal education commission issued a regulationbanning all arbitrary charges, including school-selection fees and "sponsorship fees", forenrollment in primary schools and pre-schools.
The school-selection fees and "sponsorship fees" charged by schools may have been banned,but schools still take such fees and parents still pay them.
If not, how could Wang Cuijuan, former principal of Zhongguancun No 3 Elementary School,one of the city's top schools, be charged with embezzling more than 100 million yuan from theschool's "off-the-book" funds that came mostly from "sponsorship fees" paid by students'parents? In Zhongguancun No 3 Elementary School's case, mostly people who do not live inthe district and should not have admitted their children to the school had paid such fees.
In another case, the former principal of Beijing No 54 Middle School, surnamed Li, wasconvicted of misappropriating 270,000 yuan from the amount collected as school-selection feesto buy a house built by the government for lower-income families. Li was sentenced to threeyears' imprisonment last year.
Schools charge and parents pay school-selection fees and "sponsorship fees" for variousreasons. Parents pay them to get their children admitted to a "good" school. The phenomenonmirrors social inequality, and parents are desperate to choose "premier" schools for theirchildren because education is a ticket to social mobility and opens the door to a higher socialclass.
It's a pity that some prestigious schools have buried their integrity and are trading education forprofit. And they are least bothered about having commercialized public educational resources.
Besides, Chinese parents are more worried about children's education than their foreigncounterparts. Their concern, which in some cases resembles vanity, and the high expectationthey have from their children have made enrollment in schools a lucrative, though illegal,business.
This business has to be eradicated to restore sanity and ensure a balanced development ofeducation. Last year, the central government released the State guidelines for middle- andlong-term educational reform and development plan (2010-2020) and promised to spend 4percent of its GDP on education by 2012. Its aim is to standardize the now diverse quality ofeducation in schools and strike a balance in the distribution of educational resources andquality of education in urban and rural areas.
To eradicate such practices, the government has to enact laws that would make chargingschool-selection fees and "sponsorship fees" a crime. Although some authorities have issuedquite a number of regulations to prohibit school-selection fees, they have done little to translatethem into concrete action.
Perhaps China could learn from India in this case. India's Right of Children to Free andCompulsory Education Act says the penalty for charging arbitrary fees will be ten times theamount charged. China could implement similar punitive measures against arbitrary school feesto fight the menace.
Schools should be student-oriented and dedicated to cultivating talents instead of makingprofit.
The author is a researcher with the China National Institute for Education Research, affiliated tothe Ministry of Education.
Wang Yiqing
Society to blame for state of affairs
Almost all parents complain about the arbitrary fees charged by schools to admit children, butinterestingly most of them end up paying them. The "rat race" that education has becomecompels them to become part of the very system they criticize.
Perhaps the intense competition in education has something to do with the traditional Chineseconcept about education.
Parents' emphasis on education does reflect that they still believe in the old Chinese sayings: "To be a scholar is to be at the top of society" and "A person who excels in study can becomean official". Throughout China's history, parents have accorded priority to their children'seducation because they believe that only through education can recognition, respect andwealth be achieved. That is understandable, for education, to a large extent, gave peoplesocial mobility in feudal Chinese society.
Chinese parents have always had a strong sense of responsibility, especially when it came totheir children's growth and development. They tend to regard their children's future as theirresponsibility. Under such circumstances, many parents are apt to emphasize the importance ofeducation for their children even if they have to literally pay a high price for it.
Moreover, a huge number of Chinese families have only one child because of the familyplanning policy that China has followed for three decades. Since single-child families are tight-nit, parents' resolve to ensure their children get the best education possible has becomestronger.
Parents can be blamed for being caught in a trap of their own making and furthering the blindcompetition in education, but we cannot convince them to give up their quest. The root of thevicious cycle lies in society. The situation has changed little compared with even the distantpast. But again, society today doesn't provide many options for children to chart a good future.
In the competitive employment market, it is difficult to get a good job without a college diplomaand sometimes even a college diploma fails to ensure that. We have little to say if children askus what else they could do to pursue a better life except study hard and excel in exams.
A strong sense of social unfairness has heightened the worries of parents and their childrenabout the future, and forced them to take the difficult road.
A recent incident in Xi'an, Shaanxi province, is enlightening. People across the country criticizethe "Olympic Math Contest" training classes because they increase students' burden. But whenthe education department in Xi'an decided to ban the training classes, the students opposed itfor fear of losing the opportunity to study harder and some of them even tried to drive theeducational department administrators out of classrooms. One parent appealed in tears: "If theauthorities want to ban these training classes, they should provide our children a fair andjustifiable way to get enrolled in 'good' schools first."
The parents not only complained about unfair distribution of educational resources, but alsodemanded a fair rule for competition. In a society that is full of "hidden rules", exams andscores are the only "fair" way that common people can count on.
Children from poor families, especially from rural areas, can rely on nothing but their academicachievements to prove their competence and be accepted into the "mainstream". But it seemsthat even the last "fair" way of achieving success is getting narrower by the day.
To rid society of unfair "sponsorship fees" and unequal competition for admission to schools,maybe the authorities should first take measures to diversify the ways for common people toimprove their social mobility and offer them more opportunities.
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