Saturday, 22 October 2011

Sahaj celebrates the VLE success stories in Orissa

Bhubaneswar:  SREI Sahaj E village limited (SSEVL) celebrated the success stories of the Village level Entrepreneurs.
SSEVL has been in forefront of E-governance sphere not only in Odisha but five other states of India.  It started its operation in September 2008 in the state with an objective of transforming rural Odisha by bridging the rural-urban digital divide and in these three years the company is proud to be able to provide a sustainable business model to over two thousand rural youth. 

Among these new Village level entrepreneurs, 20% are housewives thereby helping in rural woman empowerment. The company is also proud to connect the remotest parts of Odisha through its technological and human network. With total team strength of 130, SSEVL caters to the need of rural people in its mandated 16 districts by providing host of services with a view to make a difference in their day to day life.
About 30 services are now available at Sahaj CSCs(Common service centers) including digital photography, digital video-shoot, various survey, government form submission,  data entry , DTP, ROR, EPIC, Internet, IGNOU and Microsoft certified e-Learning courses, electric bill collection , mobile top ups, DTH recharge, railway reservation, General Insurance, Advertising, rural-job portal, examination results, PFRDA, AADHAR U-ID, Banking Correspondence etc.
In the ceremony the VLE of Galua gram pranchayat Mr Saroj Kumar Sahoo was given a Brand new Tata Nano for his outstanding performance in E-learning domain. He was instrumental in eliminating the computer illiteracy and garner digital education in his gram Pranchayat.  Among others Col. Annant Kumar Mishra State Head Odisha reiterated the commitment to get more and  more rural centric business cater to need of rural mass of Odisha.

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